Welcome to the 2024 ASSET NY Technology Conference!
Friday March 21, 2025 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT
In this presentation we will demonstrate how innovative Math Apps help students K-12 “Tell the Story" of their thinking when solving mathematical problems in Deer Park Schools using Chromebooks and iPads. These programs reimagine EdTech learning! They place emphasis on cogitation and tell the story behind your students’ mathematical thinking, which was previously not possible. They allow us to “see” the students' thought process in real time while identifying the students strengths and weaknesses. Data collected from the assignments encourages meaningful formative assessment. Along with students being able to design and narrate their own mathematical story, they have the opportunity to watch videos of their peers’ work. This feature not only allows for students to be exposed to different methods of solving problems through the lens of their peers, but also allows for meaningful mathematical discourse to occur throughout the learning process with actionable real time feedback. We will also show how these programs align with the new NYCS Standards as well as NYS Next Generation Mathematics Learning Standards and how it can effectively prepare students for NYS assessments at all levels.
Friday March 21, 2025 2:00pm - 2:45pm EDT

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